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Text File  |  1997-05-25  |  3KB  |  126 lines

  1. object EditTrivUsersForm: TEditTrivUsersForm
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  53.       Hints.Strings = (
  54.         'First User Record'
  55.         'Previous User Record'
  56.         'Next User Record'
  57.         'Last User Record'
  58.         ''
  59.         'Delete Current Record'
  60.         ''
  61.         ''
  62.         'Cancel Current Edit'
  63.         '')
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  85.         item
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  91.         item
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  95.         end
  96.         item
  97.           FieldName = 'DATELASTON'
  98.           Title.Caption = 'Date Last On'
  99.         end
  100.         item
  101.           FieldName = 'TOTDAYSPL'
  102.           Title.Caption = 'Total Days Played'
  103.         end
  104.         item
  105.           FieldName = 'TOTQUESTR'
  106.           Title.Caption = 'Total Questions Tried'
  107.         end
  108.         item
  109.           FieldName = 'TOTANSCOR'
  110.           Title.Caption = 'Total Correct Answers'
  111.         end>
  112.       DataSource = DataModuleForm.TriviaDataSource
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  125. end